Pints with Puck: But with Cutwater GIN

Cutwater Spirits Gin. I know, Pints with Puck is normally about beer, but I got really excited about the Cutwater Spirits mixed drinks… in a can.

Historically, you could get mixed drink FLAVORED beverages… called fermented malt beverages. But until just recently… you couldn’t get a REAL mixed drink with REAL gin, vodka, rum, tequila, or whisky. Well, at least, not in a bottle or a can.

Those days are now, thankfully over. Now you can get real mixed drinks. IN A CAN! So I’m sure you can understand why I’m excited about that. Listen:

Cutwater Spirits Gin & Tonic

Their sheer portability, is one of the greatest features of this new line of awesomeness… and, well… they taste great too!

Cucumber & Gin

It’s taken a long time for traditionalists to accept cucumber as a gin accompaniment. I’ve been on the cuke’ bandwagon since day one, and it’s a hill I’m happy to die on. A little bit of CC can really add a lot to your mixy.

They used a cucumber grapefruit tonic, as a result, it makes this G&T even more refreshing. I didn’t know that was even possible, but here we are.

OK, tangent here… and a pet peeve: As a former ‘tender (and a professional drinker) it’s Gin AND Tonic. Not Gin N Tonic. G&T. Not G-N-T. I’ve heard many a customer ask for a G-N-T in an attempt to be cute. Don’t do that. You’ll only annoy those around you, moreover, it’ll irritate your bartender.

Think of it this way; Guns N Roses… and Gin AND Tonic. Got it? Cool.

Anyhoo… we can discuss bar etiquette some other time… plus these are all about drinking outside. On the beach, boat, or in the backyard. Preferably in a comfy chair, with the addition of a group of friends enjoying a fire.

Find Cutwater Spirits Gin & Tonic and other real mixed drinks in a can at your favorite liquor department today. These I picked up at Festival, because I was there.


Pints with Puck – Every Thursday around beer-thirty. That’s noon-ish in Wisconsin Standard Time. Check out Puck LIVE 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Listen Here


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Puck has been here since the beginning. Like, in the 90's... He Rocks. He makes pretty pictures, he's a pretty good dad, and cooks really awesome food. Catch him live from 10-2 weekdays and in his daughter's bedroom on Sunday