The best albums of the 80’s!

Normally, I disagree with a lot of these lists.

It feels like the authors try too hard to be unique or controversial with their picks.

Not this list, tho.

Because it was compiled by the actual fans! And I actually agree with most of the list of the “25 Best Albums of the 80’s

I will say, I was disappointed to see that neither of Poison’s albums from the 80’s made the list(“Look What the Cat Dragged In” from 1986, or “Open Up & Say Aah” from 1988), and before you go crazy that Pantera didn’t make the list, either….remember that “Cowboys from Hell” came out in 1990.

Now, the top five are MUST haves if you’re a fan of rock music.

Number 5 – “Moving Pictures” by RUSH. My favorite track is “YYZ”:

Number 4 – “The Number of the Beast” by Iron Maiden. Personally, I would have gone with “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” instead of this album, but it’s not really a surprise to see this one in the fourth spot of this list. My favorite track is “Hallowed Be Thy Name”:

Number three – “Back in Black” from AC/DC. The iconic lead singer dies, and what does AC/DC do? They put out their best & most successful album of all time with a new lead singer. Top that. My favorite track is “Let Me Put My Love Into You”:

The top two albums of the 80’s are absolute no-brainers, and could easily be swapped, but number two is Guns N’ Roses debut album, “Appetite For Destruction”. It is probably the greatest debut album of all time, and is full of incredible songwriting, amazing guitar solos, and also had badass cover art. My favorite track is “Rocket Queen”:

Number one – Metallica‘s “Master Of Puppets”. There’s no denying that this album is their greatest, and is also the best metal album of all time. Not to mention one of the most successful. Personally, I like “Justice” better, but “Puppets” deserves to be here. My favorite track is of course, “Orion”:

The rest of the top 25 are stacked with amazing albums from Motörhead, Prince, Slayer & more….and you can find the list here.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.