Work for Nerf!

Nerf is looking for a CTO!

A Chief TikTok Officer.

You’re wasting your free time making TikTok videos that nobody watches already, why not get paid for it???

It’s a temporary position(3 months), and all you gotta do is make 10-12 TikTok videos a month.

Shit. I could do that. And I’m not even on TikTok.

They’ll pay you $10k per month for your videos, and you’ll get a buttload of free Nerf products!


According to Nerf, they’re looking for someone who “is a Nerf enthusiast, a TikTok extraordinaire, has good comedic timing, and knows how to use a ring light.”

To apply:

  • Post the perfect Nerf related TikTok video using the hashtag
  • #NerfApplication and tag @nerf between 3/26 and 4/2 date. This is your application!
  • Follow @nerf on TikTok

You must be 18 or older to apply & you must be located in the US. You’ve got until THIS Friday to apply!

For all the info on how to apply, click here.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.