The Best of the Morning Sickness – The one with the most hated bands.
This week, the brutal cold finally came to an end & things REALLY started to melt.
We kicked things off with a list of the “Most Hated Bands Of All Time” and a round of “Fact or Bullcrap” on National Margarita Day.
Plus, we all struggle with remembering people’s names, so we ran down a few tips to help with that.
It was also “National Tortilla Chip Day” earlier this week, so we talked about every state’s FAVORITE dip to go along with those chips!
There was a story about a mutant baby shark that has to seen to believe, and Shaw totally knew this week’s “You’re killin me, Shaws” clip.
We asked a hypothetical question about your age, and talked poop & toothbrushes on Thursday. Brian also discovered a new, healthier snack called “Crunchions” and was VERY conflicted about enjoying them.
Plus, “Three things to do in & around La Crosse this weekend“

I’m so happy to get to listen to The Best of the Morning Sickness on the weekends! I am up and at work before you guys get started, so I miss out during the week. This “episode”/podcast/whatever had me laughing start to finish. I actually had to replay it for my husband to hear! Thanks for putting these together and giving it your best all week long! You rock!
Sara…so glad you enjoyed the show! Thanks for reaching out to say so. We don’t often hear feedback like this so it’s very nice to know someone is listening to our Best of. Take care and thanks again. – Jean