The worst gifts you can give.

No offense to my grandparents, but I HATED getting clothing from them every Christmas.

It sucked all the fun out of the holiday. I wanted Metroplex or M.A.S.K. toys(Boulder Hill was the shit)!

But it never failed. Every year I’d ask for toys, and get clothing instead.

I will say, they did get me one of the coolest Christmas presents I’ve ever received. I don’t exactly know why I loved it so much, but one year they got me a Heinz Ketchup flashlight. It was awesome!

According to a new survey, the WORST gift you can give someone is an Ugly Sweater. The top eight are:

One – An Ugly Sweater. However, if you get me the Grinch’s “Cheermeister” sweater, I wouldn’t mind!

Two – A necktie

Three – A coffee mug – Dude, I have so many damn coffee mugs already. Stop it with the coffee mugs!

Four – A scarf – I have a really sweet Jameson scarf that I got a few years ago and I never wear the stupid thing. But it is kinda cool.

Five – A robe – I don’t know….a really nice robe for going out to the hot tub wouldn’t be so bad.

Candles – HARD pass.

Socks – Are they slipper socks? Medium?

Weird jewelry.

The nice thing this year is that Wright Brand Bacon is apparently swapping bad gifts for Bacon!!!!!

Truth!!! You just need to follow them on Insta and/or Twitter, post a pic of your unwanted gift you want to swap for some delicious Bacon, make sure you tag them in your post & use the hashtags #BaconGiftSwap and #Contest, and if they pick you, they’ll slide into your DM’s with more info!

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.