I 100% agree.
I’m not exactly sure why…..but pooping in your own toilet is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
There’s a level of comfort & safety that you just don’t feel when you’re in a bar or restaurant, or a grocery store. Sure, those toilets get the job done, but you’re always on high alert that something could go wrong. And you’re out in the wild, where you don’t have access to any resources to properly fix anything should something go astray.
I remember when the toilet in our old house decided to stop working, I replaced it myself, rather than call in an expert.
I watched several YouTube videos, read the instructions that came with the new toilet, and successfully completed the R&R.
And after my triumphant feat, I christened that bad boy post-haste!
After we bought our new house, I was extremely excited to christen all THREE of our new toilets after we moved it.
Am I weird? Certainly.
Am I alone? Definitely not.
I think a lot of men like me garner a bit of pride & satisfaction from being the first to “sit on their throne”. Which is why I support this woman 1,000,000%.
Now, I wouldn’t refer to it as “toilet virginity”, but I can completely understand the anger & frustration this woman felt after her toilet was used without permission. ESPECIALLY since they were providing a porta-potty for the people working on their house.