Thanksgiving Dinner 2020: Puck’s Complete Menu
For Thanksgiving Dinner this year… you really only need a few things to make 2020 more enjoyable for the entire family
Item #1: PIE. Apple Pie

Item #2: PIE. Pumpkin Pie

Item #3: PIE. Strawberry Pie

Item #4: Pie: French Silk Pie

Item #5: Pie: Pecan Pie (alternate: PeeKAHN pie)

Item #6: PIE. Coconut Creme Pie

Item #7: PIE. Blueberry Pie

Item #8: PIE. Key Lime Pie (though it’s pretty much the only Pie I don’t like)

Item #9: PIE. Cherry Pie

Item #10: Candy Bar PIE. Pick any dang candy-bar-flavored-monstrosity you want. Oreo, Twix, Snickers, Reese’s… whatevs

This IS NOT a top 10 list. This is an actual menu that I would someday like to attempt. 10 pieces of pie in 10 hours. Whilst watching football. Ta’Hell with the turkey. Just gimme PIE. Seems like 2020 is the perfect year for it.
I also didn’t include Sweet Potato Pie, because it’s really just pumpkin pie in disguise. Unless you’re from the south. Otherwise, just make the damn casserole and throw the marshmallows on top.
There. Thanksgiving Dinner. Done. Right. You might gain, like a hundred pounds… but let’s face it. You were going to do that anyway. I can almost see you eyeballin’ your third plate.
Puck really likes Pie. That’s it. He likes Pie. Check out Puck LIVE (from his daughters bedroom) during the pandemic from 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Even Thanksgiving. Listen Here