The thing I missed the most this year was……


Hands down. We had soooo many shows planned for 2020 when March rolled around and shut everything down.

I was REALLY looking forward to seeing Snoop at Rock Fest this year, along with Anthrax, Limp, and a ton of others.

There were a few shows planned for the La Crosse Center this year that got cancelled before they were even booked, and we had a killer show lined up for the Lumberyard, but…..#Covid.

Losing out on all those shows and experiences were definitely the thing I missed most this year. I still went out to eat, grabbed a beer at a bar or two, saw some friends, and went on a mini-staycation with the wife.

But the number one thing people missed most during the ‘Rona was “eating in restaurants without having to stress about it and having to mask up”, according to this survey.

It was certainly a bit stressful at times to be in a bar or restaurant, but most of the places I went made some significant changes to make things safer for patrons.

The top ten things people missed according to the study are:

1.  Eating in restaurants without having to stress about it and mask up.

2.  Casually browsing through stores.

3.  Spending time with friends.

4.  Shopping malls.

5.  Movie theaters.

6.  Being able to have a real “day out.”

7.  Vacations.

8.  Spending time with family.

9.  Going to concerts.

10.  Going to bars. 

Funny to see that “time with family” is less important than “time with friends”.

Hopefully, with a potential vaccine in the very near future, the numbers will start to go down and life can really start returning to normal. Because I need some live music in my life!

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.