Time travel. You goin’ back or to the future?

According to the internet, the woman in this painting from 1860 is NOT carrying a small book to church, she’s apparently crushing candy on her new iPhone.



Between “Back to the Future”, “Bill & Ted” and many other movies, TV shows, books, and various other media, we’re obsessed with time travel.

But what if you could only go in one direction?

George Carlin shows up in a phone booth, tells you to hop in, but you can only go back to the past….OR forward to the future. The only time you can go in the opposite direction is to return to where you started.

Which way are you headed? How do you choose?

I think the obvious choice is to go back. Change the past. Right the wrongs.

Then you come back and the world is completely different! For the better?

Or, you go forward! Find that sports almanac and come back with all the info you need to get rich!

Tough choice. Which way you going?

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.