The states with the most/least breweries per capita.
I guess you could say my wife & I are “Beer travelers”
Whenever we go somewhere, we scout out the local breweries online for our visit.
We find out when they’re open, when they give tours, what kind of beers they have on tap, whether or not they serve food, if there’s going to be any entertainment while we’re visiting, and most importantly….how close a brewery is to the OTHER breweries in town!
We just went to Baraboo a few weeks ago while we were on stay-cation & checked out the Al. Ringling Brewing Co. & Tumbled Rock Brewery.
You can read my review here.
Obviously, we have some really good breweries right here in La Crosse, with the Pearl St. Brewery, Turtle Stack, 608, and Skeleton Crew.
But if you’re looking to travel somewhere with a high concentration of breweries, you probably want to head to Vermont.
They’ve got the most breweries(per capita) in the country. Maine & NH are also in the top 10, so if you’re planning a trip to the East Coast, there’s no shortage of cool breweries to visit.
Here in the Midwest, we’re just outside the top 10 with Wisconsin at #14, Minnesota at #15, and Iowa at #17.
Check out the entire list here.