You drinkin’ tonight?

According to a recent survey, only one in seven Americans are planning to drink tonight during the election results.

Seems a bit low to me.

I’ll be asleep. A melatonin or two, maybe a shot of NyQuil, and it’s nighty-night for yours truly.

I’ll just see it all in the morning.

But I fully expect there to be a few people severely hungover on Wednesday morning here at 201 State St.

Other stats from this survey:

  • 48% of people say they’re more stressed about this election than other elections in the past.
  • Just under 1/2 of us will stay up to watch the results come in.
  • 46% of people are going to eat their feelings….snacking on junk food to help them deal with the stress.
  • And I’m one of the 23% of people who won’t stay up to watch. They’ll just check in on Wednesday morning.

Pfft. I don’t need an election as an excuse to eat junk food & drink beers.

And if you wanna spice things up a bit, there’s always a drinking game or two that you can play to make it interesting on election night.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.