What’s the most BORING chore?
There are very few chores I hate doing.
Cleaning the windows and dusting. That’s pretty much the list.
I like doing the dishes now that we have a dishwasher. I don’t mind doing my laundry. Mowing the lawn is a labor of love.
But dusting is THE absolute WORST! I’d pay someone just to do that part of the weekly/monthly chores.
A new survey(in the UK) asked people to name the most mundane chore they could think of and ironing was number one.
I guess, If I actually had to iron my shirts, it would be rather tedious, but as a dude who only wears t-shirts, I don’t really have that problem.
The 10 most boring chores are:
- Ironing
- Cleaning the toilet
- Dusting
- Changing your sheets
- Washing the windows
- Cleaning out the fridge
- Cleaning the kitchen
- Doing the dishes
- Vacuuming
- Folding laundry
I actually enjoy most chores because there’s a distinct beginning & end. If I know the bathroom is a mess, I know exactly what needs to be done, I have the tools & skills to get the job done, and then it gets done.
Same as the laundry. I suppose it feeds nicely into my Type-A personality/OCD.
What’s the most boring chore you have to do?

I NEVER thought that I would read a post like this from you!! My, my, how you have grown to appreciate clean spaces and clothes!
PS I don’t like ironing any more! If it needs to be ironed, send it to the dry cleaner!!
PPS your grandmother used to iron sheets!!!! Not a snowball’s chance in —-!!