Chloe Eckelberg Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser

Saturday, October 3rd from noon-5pm at Features in West Salem

An 8-pin tap tournament with two bowling shifts. One at noon and the other at 2:30pm. There will be raffles, prizes & more!

Four person teams are $80. Please sign up by callling Kim Eckelberg at 608-769-6026 or messaging Eckelberg Family Racing on Facebook.

This is a free event to attend if you aren’t bowling, and proceeds will benefit the Chloe Kay Eckelberg Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded to students attending a university or tech school and are involved in the racing community at the La Crosse Speedway and/or the Coulee Raceway.

You can apply for the scholarship here.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.