Pints with Puck: Franziskaner Weissbier
I’m going to keep this short. Franziskaner is one of the best beers you can pour into a pint glass. You actually should have a few pints. Call it what you will, but most of us who have enjoyed it for years… just call it the Fat Friar. Just listen.
It’s been made with nearly the same recipe since 1363. And no, that’s NOT a typo. They’ve been brewing it for nearly 700 years using wheat, hops, and water. That’s it. I could bore you all day with a bunch of insight into the Bavarian Beer Purity Law, but I’m not going to. You have better things to do with your day. Like going to your favorite beer store to buy a sixer, or better yet… a 12-pack of Franziskaner
This is a “No Miss” beer. You can’t go wrong with this purchase. If you like wheat beers, or weissbier, you’re going to LOVE this one. And don’t forget the peanut butter at the bottom.
That’s the yeast. Just rotate the bottle back and forth quickly between your palms to warm it up, and pour the remaining liquid into your pint glass. You don’t have to do this, but I would recommend it. I personally think it adds a little extra flavor. Give it as shot, and enjoy!
Pints with Puck runs LIVE every Thursday at 12:30ish. Puck has been has been a beer fan since he turned 21… yeah. 21. Got it. He’s not an expert. He’s not a snob. He just likes beer. And he’s more than happy to recommend a good one. Check out Puck LIVE (from his daughters bedroom) during the pandemic from 10:00-2:00 weekdays. Listen Here