How much is your TP really worth?

Today is “National Toilet Paper” day.

Not really sure what you’re supposed to do to celebrate…maybe enjoy a cake that looks like a roll of TP? Maybe buy some of the really expensive stuff for once instead of the cheap, generic brand?

But, in honor of today, here’s some rather interesting stats about toilet paper:

A recent study found that the average American will go through $11,198 worth of toilet paper in their life, just over $180/year.

That seems like a lot.

And it appears that spending has nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic. Likely because people hoarded the stuff & are pooping at home more often as well.

Also from the survey, the average household goes through 159 rolls of TP a year, along with 145 rolls of paper towels.

And while you’ll likely spend almost $11,200 on TP in your life, you’ll only spend about $10,500 on paper towels.

And if you’ve been thinking about switching to a bidet, now’s the time! 42% of people who don’t have one say they’d consider it.

I’ve never used one before, but I’d definitely give it a shot. Think of all the money I’d save!

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.

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