You’re not old until…..
August 12, 2020/
You’re 77! According to a new survey of people over the age of 65, that’s the benchmark for “feeling old”.
Man…I’m only 44 and some days I feel like I’m a step away from the grave.
The survey also asked people what the best things are about getting old and the top ten were:
- Having more free time
- Not feeling pressure to do anything you don’t want to
- Having grandkids
- Finding happiness in the little things
- Realizing there’s more to life than work
- Wearing clothes for comfort, not style
- Not caring what other people think anymore
- Finally having a clear idea of what’s important in life
- All the discounts!!!!!!!!!!!
- Not having to worry about the future
To see the rest of the responses, click here.

Posted in Rock Mornings