Summer Party Tip – The most important things to have at a party

A recent survey asked people to rank the most important things at a party, and big surprise, drinks are number one!

Gotta have plenty of beverages and a nice variety. Beers, wines, booze, seltzers, shots! Definitely makes a difference.

Obviously, music & food are important, but so is the condition of your party space. So, if your backyard is all janky, you might want to spruce things up a bit before having people over for a get-together.

Check out the rest of the most important things to have:

  1. Drinks! – 59% of people said it’s the MOST important thing at a party.
  2. Music – 55%
  3. Food – 54%
  4. Location – 46%
  5. The space – 43%
  6. Decor – 37%
  7. The guest list – 35%
  8. Timing – 34%
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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.