Are you a “modern” man?

What does it take to be a man?

Is it the ability to change your oil? Fix a shelf? Cook the perfect steak? Drink a case of Busch Light? Recite every line from Major League?

Obviously, times are changing…and if you showed this list to a man 50 or 60 years ago, his reaction might have been quizzical.

According to a recent poll, the top ten traits of a “modern” man are:

  1. You do your fair share of the cleaning.
  2. You talk openly about your feelings.
  3. If your boss or manager is a woman, you’re totally fine with it.
  4. You’re ok discussing your mental health.
  5. You’re a good listener.
  6. You’re great with kids.
  7. You’re openly affectionate.
  8. You’d be okay being a stay-at-home dad.
  9. You don’t always feel the need to “put on a brave face”.
  10. You stand up to racism & prejudice.

Some of the other qualities of a “modern” man include caring about the environment, being well groomed, could win a fight, gets his beard styled, and enjoys baking.

You can see the entire list of “modern” man traits here.


Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.