Please help the Christenson family.

Juanita Christenson has been taking care of her parents for many years and is now in dire need of help.

From her GoFundMe page:

“I’ve been the permanent live in caregiver to my elderly parents for the past 12 years. I was put on permanent disability myself almost at that same time. But, I put my own needs on the back burner to focus on my parents, as I felt honored and blessed to care for them. I lost my father a couple years ago. I am now losing my mother. The Hospice team feel there are only days left. I have recently discovered, my parents had a mortgage put onto their home. (Though they thought it was only a loan) Now, when my mother passes, I will either need to purchase the house, or lose it to the bank, leaving me homeless. As I stated, I am on permanent disability. I can not afford to purchase the house. I am earning the absolute base amount of income on disability, and the bank will not let me purchase. I have been trying to figure out how to be able to purchase the house, and afford the essential bills of owning a home at the same time. I can promise, and guarantee 100% of the funds raised would go toward the mortgage and essential needs of the house ONLY. It is so uncharacteristic of me to ask for help. But at this time I feel desperate and scared. If you can see it in your heart to help me as much as possible, I would be so humbly grateful, and so very much appreciative….Please don’t let me lose my parents home? …… Anything will help…. Thank you, and God Bless”

Please consider helping with a donation or by sharing this article.

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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.