Unsolved Mysteries is BACK!
You probably heard that Netflix is doing a reboot of the classic “Unsolved Mysteries” series that ran from ’87-2002, hosted by Robert Stack(The PERFECT host for this show, btw).
Well, looks like the new series drops on July 1st! I REALLY hope they keep the theme music!!!!!
It’s got the producers of “Stranger Things” teaming up with the co-creators of the original show and they promise to “maintain the chilling feeling” that we all loved so much about the original.
Staying up late when I was a kid to watch this show was definitely a highlight of my childhood.
Looks like there will be 12 new episodes in total, and it’ll give me a great excuse to sequester myself for a weekend binge session!
If you’re looking to go back and check out some previous episodes of “Unsolved Mysteries”, here’s a link to some of the weirdest cases from the original.