The worst place in America.
May 14, 2020/
High crime.
Poor public schools.
A bad economy.
An overall poor quality of life…and a community that’s lost 14% of it’s population over the last decade.
Sounds enchanting, right?
Who in their right mind would want to move there?
You might! If they pay you enough.
Apparently, there’s a website out there with some money to burn and they’re looking to pay someone(an undisclosed sum of money) to physically move to Pine Bluffs, AK.
They’ll cover your rent & give you a salary along with a food stipend. You’ll have to pay for your own lapdances. (I looked, and there’s SEVERAL!)
You’ll have to live there & report back with your experiences about living in Pine Bluff, AK.
For all the info on how you can apply, click here.

Posted in Rock Mornings