April 27, 2018/
Rykal was diagnosed with pneumonia on Dec 10th 2017 and transported to Madison Children’s Hospital on Dec. 13th with Pneumococcal HUS. HUS is a rare disease that killed his healthy red blood cells and put him into complete kidney failure. From Dec.17th to Dec.28th Rykal was on dialysis 24 hour a day. Rykal was then changed to a dialysis cycler which he is still on every night. On Feb. 28th we found out that Rykal is still in complete kidney failure and will need a kidney transplant. If you would like to follow Rykal’s story please go to his Facebook page Rykal’s Progress. A benefit for Rykal will be held at Champions Riverside Resort on May 5th from 10a-7p, details: Rykal Wasson Benefit Facebook Event Page

Posted in Rock Foundation