Brian Blatz Benefit
On Tuesday, February 2 a snowplow and Brian’s SUVcollided on Highway 14/61. Unconscious but breathing Brian was extricated from his vehicle and taken to Gundersen Hospital. Brian spent 2 ½ months in various medical facilities recovering from his multiple injuries along with a traumatic brain injury. Currently, Brian is receiving speech, physical and occupational therapies at their home but will soon be transitioning to outpatient therapy in Viroqua. Brian has made tremendous progress but still has a long road ahead of him. Brian and Marlene have lived in the Viroqua area for over 20 years and have 3 sons. Brian works at Viterbo University in the maintenance department. Due to the severity of the brain injury, there is no timeline on when he will return to work. Marlene is a teacher in the Viroqua School District. Marlene was at Brian’s side during these past months of hospitalization and rehabilitation and was unable to work. Friends and family of the couple are hosting a benefit to bridge the gap between the loss of income and the ongoing medical expenses. The benefit will be held on September 24, 2016 at the VFW in Viroqua beginning at 3pm.
Activities include: Meal (free will donation); Chinese Raffle, Live Auction, Pie Auction, and Wine Auction.
Please consider donating an item for one of the auctions, raffles or food for the meal. You can contact Brenda Haugrud at 608-778-1308; Steve Schmaltz at 608-317-0005 or
Steve Alderman at 608-788-3768 to arrange a pick-up. You may also email
If you would like to make a financial donation, an account has been opened in Brian’s name at the…
Westby CoOp Credit Union
PO Box 70
501 North Main St.
Westby, WI 54667
For more information click here:

Your free doors and windows give away is a scam! We had a guy come over who got my phone number from the Rock and tried to sell us Windows and about did. The drawing isn’t until tomorrow, so this is sooo rigged. I can’t believe you guys would do this! It really pisses me off!
Hi Connie. Jean here. Wanted to reach out to you directly. The contest was not rigged. There is verbiage under the terms and conditions of that particular home make-over contest that addresses this. I feel bad that you are upset and I do appreciate you reaching out to me with those frustration. I wanted to get back to you to let you know. Please stay well and enjoy the Holiday weekend. If you need anything else, you can reach me direct at