This is a combination fishing event and fundraiser for 6 year old Colton Cox who has battled Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer(RMS) twice already in his young lifetime. Colton is currently once again in a remission state. The goal is to help ease some of the financial burden that Colton’s family has been dealing with from all Colton’s treatments and surgeries. The day will start off at 7:00 a.m. with a fishing event hosted by Colton’s professional walleye angler buddy Don Loch at La Crosse’s MUNICIPAL HARBOR BOAT LANDING(1700 Marco Drive, La Crosse, Wi.). Contact information is below on how to get signed up so you can fish along side and with Colton and his professional walleye angler buddies Robert Cardenas, John Mickish, R.c. Wichlidal, Charlie Kempf, Jon Creten, and Justin Grecco. Following the fishing event there will be the benefit/fundraiser held at All-Star Lanes Banquet Hall starting @ 2:00 p.m. During this time Don will announce the winners and hand out trophies to the 3 top place winners in each fish category. The benefit will be hosted by Judy Wuensch, her contact information is below as well for anyone that would like to donate raffle or auction items, as well as the information to make monetary donations to Colton/family through any Verve Credit Union branch.

Anyone wanting to donate items for raffles/auctions or volunteer, please contact or send to:

Judy Wuensch
N1258 Hoeschler Ct.
La Crosse, Wi. 54601
(608) 788-6453…home#
(608) 317-8262…cell#


For more info, click the benefit page on Facebook



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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.