Bring “Bella” Home
April 21, 2015/
9 year old Nathan Schoonover has been diagnosed with severe epilepsy. Nathan will have to live with seizures for the rest of his life.
Thankfully, he has been approved for a seizure alert dog, however the cost of the dog is $15,000, which covers the breeder fees and training.
There will be a benefit for Nathan on Saturday, May 2nd at the Colonial Bowling Center in Sparta, WI. The benefit is from 11am-7pm, followed by live music from Down East from 8pm-midnight.
There will be kid games, a 50/50, bake sale, food, and more.
All the proceeds will help pay for “Bella”, Nathan’s seizure alert dog.
For more information on this benefit, please visit the event page on Facebook!

Posted in Rock Foundation