Hunter Frye Benefit
July 15, 2014/
Hunter Jerry-Lee Frye is the 3-year old son of Melissa and Jason Frye from Tomah. Hunter suffers from Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome(a severe form of epilepsy), Hyptonia, and Cortical Vision Impairment which has left him legally blind for his development stage.
Hunter was recently hospitalized at the American Family & Children’s Hospital in Madison, where he and his mom stayed for over a month. Hunter is currently back home, surrounded by his family, and his beloved puppy, Jax.
There will be a benefit for Hunter and his family on Saturday, July 26th from 11am-7pm at the Onalaska American Legion on Sand Lake Rd. There will be food, drinks, raffles, live music and more!
For more information, please visit the event’s Facebook page.

Posted in Rock Foundation