Super Gavin


Gavin is a happy, sweet, smiley and sassy four year old boy. He was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder called Leukodystrophy in December of 2013 after seeing numerous doctors for an abnormal walk and balance issues.

Leukodystrophy is a progressive degeneration of the white matter of the brain due to absence or imperfect growth of the mylelin sheath, the insulation around nerve fibers. Unfortunately, Leukodystrophy is not cureable and treatment is limited as of now.

Gavin has been fitted with AFO braces for his legs to correct his walk and hold his balance. They are decorated with his favorite Superhero Superman, so we nicknamed them his ‘superlegs’. He is in preschool that incorporates physical therapy and occupational therapy and takes tumbling and loves to swim with his mom, dad and big sister, Ali(6).

There will be a benefit for Gavin and his family at the Winona Elks Club on Saturday, July 26th from 11am until 9pm. There will be food, a silent auction, a petting zoo, face painting, bake sale, live auction, and more. All proceeds from the benefit will pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses for the Quimby family.

Cash donations can be made at area Merchants Banks.  

For more information, click here or here.


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Brian Simpson

Unapologetic fan of the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins & Celtics. Lover of powerful, dark beers. Married with NO kids. Ever. Lover of doggos. Not so much cats.